AL JAWAHIR RESEARCH JOURNAL <p>Al-Jawahir the International Journal for Arabic language and Literature Research is an Open Access peer reviewed print and online. It has become bilingual academic research journal with an international &amp; National Editorial and Advisory Board representing various fields of research. The journal is quarterly published (four times in a year). Al-Jawahir is launched by Al Furqan Research Society Karak, Reg NO: 391 /5/9736 Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 with the Provincial Registrar Joint Stock Companies &amp; Societies Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar, Pakistan.</p> en-US (Dr. Syed abdussalam bacha) (Muhammad Anees ur Rehman) Wed, 16 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Pioneers of the Science of Similarities in the Qurʾānic phrases <p>Similarities in the Qurʾānic phrases are the branch of the study of Inimitability of the Holy Qurʾān (<strong>ʾ</strong>Iʿjaz Al-Qurʾān) and it reflect the richness of Arabic language and its vocabulary. These Similarities means: to tell a story in different phrases and different rhyming endings in the verses of the Holy Qurʾān. This paper will highlight the importance of the Science of Similarities in the Qurʾānic phrases. It also elaborates a brief history of this science along with a description of Pioneers of this science.</p> Dr. Maḥmūd Ḥasan Makhlūf Copyright (c) 2022 AL JAWAHIR RESEARCH JOURNAL Wed, 16 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Narrative Language in the Novel "Khafāfīsh Corona" <p>This paper is a narratological study of contemporary fiction by Iraqian Author:ʾIbrāhīm Rasūl named: Khafāfīsh Corona (Bats of Corona). The study reveals narratological aspects of narrative language and elaborates stylistic characteristics in structure and content of the novel with reference to the context of the text. It elaborates the psychology and emotions about economic crisis in the time of on-going pandemic thru the narrative language and its types like monologue, dialogue, etc. The study also reveals the rhetorical meanings of the phrases in the novel other than its literal meaning to explore the beauty of Arabic language and its expressions like Qāṣr and other stylistic expressions. It ends with the important findings of the research.</p> Dr. Rifaat Ali Muhammad Copyright (c) 2022 AL JAWAHIR RESEARCH JOURNAL Wed, 16 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Ibn ū Danīāl, His Life & Poetry <p>This paper describes the life and poetry of Ibn u Danīāl who was an Iraqiān great of the seventh century AH. He wrote on variety of subjects, including Ghazal, politics, history, society, nature beauty and criticism etc. This article sheds light on his life, political situations at that time and his versatile poetry. The article is divided in three parts, including his early life at Al Musāl, invasions of Al Moghūl and its impact on his life and his literature and finally, these miserable conditions lead to his migration to Egypt. The Second part shed light upon his Compilation, the third portion describes his literature and elaborates his value among his peers.</p> Dr. Hayat Ullah, Dr. Yasir Ali Copyright (c) 2022 AL JAWAHIR RESEARCH JOURNAL Wed, 16 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Fiction and short fiction in Iraq <p class="Normal1" style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt;">Fiction literature is created from imagination not presented as fact, though it may be based on a true story or situation while short fiction is brief fictional prose narrative that is shorter than a novel and that usually deals with only a few characters. This paper is a descriptive study of Arabic fiction and short-fiction in Iraq. The paper describes important milestones in the history of fiction in Iraq, and its relation to other types of Arabic prose, i.e. folk tales, Maqāmāt, myths, etc. It also elaborates significant literary schools and theories which dominate Irāqī fiction including classicism, romanticism, realism, stream of consciousness, socialism, etc. The research highlights the techniques of fiction and short fiction in Irāq.</span></p> Rimsah Shahid Latif Copyright (c) 2022 AL JAWAHIR RESEARCH JOURNAL Wed, 16 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Qur’an Translation and Sub-Continent Analysis of Selected Urdu Qur’an Translations <p>As Quran is the word of ALLAH, it is a divine word. The Quran was revealed in the Arabic language. The Arabs were very much familiar with this language linguistically, semantically, culturally, and from all other aspects of linguistics and non -linguistics. As Islam spread beyond the Arab boundaries, the non-Arabs were not able to understand this language with totality. The same was the case of the subcontinent, people here were not so familiar with Arabic that they understand it without translation so there was a dire need to translate the meaning of the Quran to the lingua franca of the subcontinent. Shah Waliullah Muhadis Dehlawi (R.A) contributed to this a lot and after him, his descendants were keenly interested in serving the people of the sub-continent and in which they became successful. The Quran was translated into Persian and after that the lingua franca of the subcontinent i.e.&nbsp; Urdu. This paper deals with the history of Qur’an translation in the Sub-continent particularly Urdu and will analyze some selected translations from the initial stage of Qur’an translation and some translations from the 20<sup>th</sup> century which is known as a golden era for Urdu Qur’an translation. The researcher will also try to answer what kind of strategies have been used by translators in their translations and which methodology has been adopted by the translator in transferring the meaning of the Holy Qur’an into the target language.</p> Shabir Ahmad Khan, Tawseef Ahmad Bhat Copyright (c) 2022 AL JAWAHIR RESEARCH JOURNAL Wed, 16 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0000